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Putin may be stopped only by Ukraine and civilised world: former KGB agent

Vladimir Putin never stops. When he begins something, he can be stopped only when defeated by Ukraine or other states of the civilised world, said Sergueï Jirnov, a former KGB agent who has met Vladimir Putin in person, in an interview with TVP World.

In the opinion of Mr Jirnov, Putin loves power and to manipulate people, being at the same time a man of many complexes. Yet, when it comes to power, he now thinks he is in control of everything: his society, Ukraine and the world.

TVP World’s guest stressed it was important to understand that despite rumours about his disease, Putin still takes decisions by himself and the western world cannot make a mistake of just waiting until his death without acting. At the same time, the Moscow leader understands and recognises his mistakes, believing he’s infallible.

Mr Jirnov is also sceptical of a possible coup d’etat. Even if the rumours that the Russian generals were losing patience with Putin, they are still far away from Moscow to prepare a successful operation, and Putin is guarded too well to let that happen.

In his interview with Anna Jabłońska, Mr Jirnov recalled his encounters with Vladimir Putin. As he stressed, the Russian president is the same person he was back in the days, ruthless and lacking compassion. To hear more, watch the full interview.

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